December Newsletter
Please read the following message from our Treasurer about how to pay for your fees and power bills and boat compound if applicable.
Dear Members,
We are asking your cooperation in observing the following points when you send in your payments.
· Payments may be combined to cover two or three invoices into one payment. (Annual membership fees, Power fees and/or Boat yard fees).
· If you have a power credit, make sure it is deducted from the total amount owing for 2024 fees.
· When transferring funds or paying by cheque, make sure that your site # is marked in the memo field.
· Allow up to a week for your payment to be applied to your account if paying by e-transfer and up to two weeks if paying by cheque.
· Whether paying by cheque or by e-transfer, the original invoice emails you received will update in real-time when your payments are recorded in the accounting system. If you will check those emails again sometime in the week after your payment has been made, you will note that the invoice status will now reflect as PAID, or indicate any balance due or payable to you.
· Separate emails showing a PAID status on your invoice will not be sent due to the point above.
· If, after a week, you don’t believe your payment has been applied to your invoice, it is likely that it has been received but may have been missed and not yet posted.
· As there are approximately 350 invoices to be handled, your attention to these details and your patience will be appreciated.
Also, the board had to increase the fees this year due to all the increases in the cost of living and inflation. We need to start replenishing our reserves to cover all maintenance costs as well as any unforeseen future costs. Thanks for your understanding.