September Update:
1. Water shut down will commence on Sunday, September 24 at 10 AM. Anyone that is able to help, please email the board. We will meet at the Shower House. Thanks to everyone that can come.
2. Saturday, September 30th, there will be a work bee from 10 AM - 2 PM to start to change over some water taps throughout the park. Again, if you are able to help, please email the board and let us know.
3. React Bins: Do not put any tires in the bins. They are prohibited at all landfills. Take them to Cory’s Tire Service in Cudworth. They are part of the provincial tire recycling program. Do not place anything around or in front of the bins. These items are in the way for the React trucks. Also, if you wouldn’t put it in your garbage in the city, do not put it in the React bin here. The landfill is only 7 km south of the campground.
4. Thank you to all members who helped out these past few months. Everyone who went above and beyond; we are truly grateful. The park cannot run without the support and help of all members.
5. Remember to be kind and respectful to everyone. Board members are volunteers and we are all doing our best to keep the park running smoothly. If you have any issues or concerns, please put it in writing and send it to the Poplar Beach email.
See everyone next spring!