Power Upgrade - Details of Membership Vote

Good morning Poplar Beach Members,

The Board of Directors would like to thank you all for the outstanding response to the membership vote. A total of 94.8% of our members exercised their rights to let their opinion be heard.

The results are…

Total Votes Cast = 128

  • Yes - 91

  • No - 37

The Board of Directors will now begin next steps. Madden Electric and SaskPower will be contacted to advise the decision has been passed and to discuss a date for the initial payment required. A formal document will be drawn up in the next few weeks that will be shared with our members to obtain signatures of acknowledgement in regards to acceptance and payment of the fees.

We will commit to continued communication through this process. Please ensure that if you have any questions or concerns your reach out to the BOD by emailing pbcoc135@gmail.com and someone will be in touch shortly.

Thank you all,

On behalf of the Poplar Beach Board of Directors

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